Coming Soon
As we all know, real life can sometimes kick you right in the teeth and keep you from your keyboard and mouse. I've had my fill of real life for a while, so I'm kicking it right back. :P As for lots...well, yeah. Been working on those too.
For example: I am just finishing the interior on a 64x64 lot so it should be out in a week or so after I give it a good test run. It's a 4 bed, 5 bath horse ranch with a pool and garden. I would post a picture, but they seem to be disabled right now with the move. No biggie. I'm sure that will be fixed soon. :) After that, who knows! Just got Island Paradise, so I suppose I should play around with some resorts, or underwater fun stuff. We shall see! Hope you like the new lot, and thank you for all of your kind words and encouragement! TSR community rocks!
Love and hugs -
Illiana of TSR